Continue Reading 2021年新修订《香港仲裁条例》背景下在港申请执行内地裁决,您准备好了吗?
Fundamentals|An Overview on International Arbitration
As enterprises are increasingly engaged in international trade and investment, international arbitration is recognized as the preferred option in the face of cross-border disputes. However, international arbitration, which differs from domestic arbitration with complex procedures, often put parties unfamiliar with its rules in an inherent disadvantage. King & Wood Mallesons’ international arbitration teams are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, London, Madrid, Brussels, Dubai, Tokyo, Sydney, New York and Silicon Valley. KWM International Arbitration Fundamentals is co-hosted by King & Wood Mallesons’ China and Australia international arbitration teams. The purpose of the program is to share knowledge and experience on international arbitration, including international commercial arbitration and investment arbitration, from the perspective of expert lawyers. Hopefully it will benefit parties engaged in international arbitration. Please comment with any suggestions or ideas.
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作者:保罗仕达 Paul Starr Hana Doumal 孙珩Suraj Sajnani 龙冬
Continue Reading 内地与香港特别行政区仲裁保全安排下的第一份裁定
接轨国际 敢为人先
作者:张守志 熊焰
2019年7月15日,北京仲裁委员会(“北仲”)通过了修改后的《北京仲裁委员会仲裁规则》(下称“《2019规则》”)及附录收费标准,《2019规则》及其附录收费标准将于2019年9月1日正式施行。Continue Reading 接轨国际 敢为人先
Continue Reading 对《仲裁保全安排》的再解读
KWM advises Kyrgyz Republic on successful award overturn
By King & Wood Mallesons
King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) represented the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to successfully overturn the US$16.5 million UNCITRAL award, with the Paris Court of Appeal recently ruling that Manas Bank had been established to facilitate money laundering.
The Government challenged the arbitral award in the French courts, which was made against the Kyrgyz Republic and in favour of Latvian businessman Valeri Belokon, former majority owner of Manas Bank, who claimed compensation for nationalization of the bank in 2010, as well as resisting enforcement of the award in Ontario.
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吉尔吉斯斯坦政府就上述对该国不利的仲裁裁决向法国法院提出申诉,并拒绝在安大略省执行该裁决。原裁决有利于持有玛纳斯银行多数股权的前控股方——拉脱维亚商人Valeri Belokon,他对2010年银行国有化要求赔偿。
Continue Reading 金杜代表吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国政府成功推翻联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁裁决
作者:叶渌 Monique Carroll 李丽 金杜律师事务所争议解决组
Continue Reading 中方当事人如何改善国外仲裁的结果