作者:Alix Prentice 伦敦办公室 金杜律师事务所

有迹象表明英国可能准备在脱欧后与已通过的欧盟条例背道而驰,目前英国金融市场行为管理局正在就修改英国实施的相关立法征询意见。这一立法被称为《金融工具市场指令》(“MiFID”),英国将对以下两个方面作出修改:一是作为“福利引诱”的某些研究产品的地位;二是公司和执行场所根据最佳执行规则需履行的多项报告义务。Continue Reading 英国脱欧后在相关立法方面与欧盟存在的差异

英国脱欧前,大多数在英国经营的跨国企业通过其享有的“护照”特权在欧洲开展业务或设立机构,这表明总部位于欧洲的企业,无需单独在英国获得经营许可。2021年1月1日,此类护照特权被取消。虽然这些欧洲企业中约有1500家使用旧护照,通过 “临时许可制度”进行短期经营,但英国金融行为监管局(FCA)表示,这些企业以及其他总部设在英国境外、已经获得许可或打算申请许可的企业都将受到特定因素和监管措施的制约。这些因素和措施对跨国企业的侧重点与对国内企业有所不同。
Continue Reading 英国金融行为监管局对待跨国企业的方式

Q2 2019: missed the key litigation news of the last quarter? Fear not as all you need to know is here, from jurisdiction to service, as massive class actions and parental liability suits stand pending in the English Courts, UWOs turn out to have multiple use cases and arbitration awards continue to be hard to challenge.
Continue Reading KWM’s UK Dispute Resolution Round-Up – Q2

Q2 2019: missed the key litigation news of the last quarter? Fear not as all you need to know is here, from jurisdiction to service, as massive class actions and parental liability suits stand pending in the English Courts, UWOs turn out to have multiple use cases and arbitration awards continue to be hard to challenge.
Continue Reading KWM’s UK Dispute Resolution Round-Up – Q2

Q1 2019: the English Courts attempt to create some certainty for businesses by robustly upholding orthodox common law principles, while Brexit chaos continues. In other news, the SFO and the FBI face set-backs in the English Courts.
Welcome to our round up of 10 key decisions and developments from the UK courts, regulators and legislature in Q1 2019 plus a bonus comment about the not-yet-Brexit and its implications for civil and judicial cooperation.

Continue Reading KWM’s UK Dispute Resolution Round-Up. 

By Simon Witney Tamasin Little King and Wood Mallesons London, United Kingdom

Simon Witney Tamasin Little The British prime minister has helpfully assured us that “Brexit means Brexit”, but many commentators have pointed out that there are, in fact, different degrees of separation – and some have suggested that the UK is heading for a “hard Brexit”. In fact,

girardet_pWe have spoken to a lot of our clients and we didn’t really hear that they thought leaving the EU would lead to less regulation as far as their sectors are concerned. If you look at the competition side, you’re really looking at a fairly global system of enforcement these days, so I don’t think that there would be significant changes in the way competition law is enforced in the UK at a general level. But, of course, there are interesting developments if you look a little bit more at the detail.

我们与许多客户谈过,并没有听他们说英国退出欧盟后,他们行业的监管会更宽松。从竞争法来看,当前执法体系的全球化水平较高,因此我认为,总体上英国竞争法的执行方式不会有大改变。当然,从细节来看,还是会发生一些有趣的变化。Continue Reading “英国退欧”视频专访(字幕版):竞争与监管

This article was written by King & Wood Mallesons

A chan_jydecision to exit the European Union would fundamentally and irrevocably affect how our clients do business. That impact would vary tremendously across different sectors. The ramifications of a vote to leave extend far beyond just the legal considerations; there is a vast array of issues at play.

Over the past six months, the King & Wood Mallesons Banking & Finance Team in Europe have been working with clients, industry leaders, academics and media influencers to offer a 360° view of the implications of Brexit for businesses. The following guide provides a background to Brexit and, more importantly, outlines the implications of Brexit for banking & financial services.Continue Reading BREXIT – a Brief Guide