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King and Wood
New Bank Card Clearing Rules Heralds a Post-UnionPay Era
By Xu Ping Iris Feng and Feng Yuan King & Wood Mallesons’ Mergers & Acquisitions Group
On April 9, 2015, the State Council officially promulgated the Decision on the Bank Card Clearing Agencies Access Management (《关于实施银行卡清算机构准入管理的决定》) (the“Decision”), which will come into effect on June 1, 2015.
As a response to a WTO ruling that China must open its bank card clearing market, the long awaited Decision announces the opening of market to both domestic and foreign players. As a result, China UnionPay, the only domestic bank card clearing agency for decades, will usher competitors, including international card companies, banks, as well as domestic third party payment agencies, who will be able to operate RMB-denominated bank card clearing business in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC” or “China”).
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Back-to-Basics: Past and Present Life of Labor Dispatch
By Jiang Junlu King & Wood Mallesons’ Labor & Employment Group
At the end of 2013, the Interim Regulation on Labor Dispatch was adopted in the ministerial conference of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. This regulation was promulgated before the Lunar New Year and became effective on March 1, 2014, which is expected to prelude the readjustment of labor dispatch.
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What does an Effective Anti-bribery and Corruption Programme Require?
By Liu Xiangwen, Monique Carroll and Zhu Yuanyuan King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Group
Much has been written on bribery and corruption in China, including the differences between criminal bribery and commercial bribery, and of course, the need for an effective compliance programme. However, foreign companies operating in certain complex or sensitive industries in China need to do more than instil an anti-corruption policy. What is needed is an in-depth understanding of the unique legal environment in their industries. This is because in some industries, particular conduct or business models permitted elsewhere, may be very sensitive and considered bribery or corruption. We recommend that companies operating in China adapt their compliance programme to account for industry specific regulations and sensitivities and undertake regular internal compliance audits as a check on the effectiveness of the compliance programme and to ensure that it remains up-to-date.
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Obtaining Discovery in China for Use in US Litigation
By Meg Utterback and Holly Blackwell King & Wood’s Dispute Resolution Group
The concept of US discovery is very alien to the uninitiated litigant and particularly foreign to Chinese parties, because the Chinese litigation process is far different. China proceedings are conducted much like other civil code jurisdictions, with the parties proffering only evidence that supports the claims or defenses. US discovery is intended to uncover both supporting and damaging evidence. US discovery rules provide litigants liberal access to information possessed by opponents, and even third parties, such as internal company emails, documents, records, and policies. Disclosure of requested information may be required, even though such disclosure would be prohibited under PRC law. The Hague Convention provides one avenue of obtaining evidence located in China, but US courts are not always willing to require the use of the Hague Convention procedures where a party has submitted to the jurisdiction of the US court. Recent US cases demonstrate the challenges of requiring discovery from Chinese parties and the challenges that Chinese parties face in US courts.Continue Reading Obtaining Discovery in China for Use in US Litigation
Supreme People’s Court provides a Guideline Case for Court Enforcement of Settlement Agreements
By Richard W. Wigley and Xu Jing King & Wood’s Dispute Resolution Group
The means available for effective enforcement of settlement agreements associated with litigation is an issue which is often raised by litigants in the P.R.C. Specifically, it is often asked, what is a party’s recourse should the other party breach a private settlement agreement, but where the breach occurs after the Appeal in the litigation at issue has been withdrawn? As P.R.C. law is a civil law system based upon the statutory law, there is no equivalent to the case precedent system of common law countries, such as the United States, Australia, and the U.K. There is relevant statutory law as provided in the Civil Procedure Law of the P.R.C., but there exist certain legal issues which may require additional clarification beyond the statutory law. With this in mind, as per the Article 1 of the Supreme People’s Court’s Provisions on Case Guidance ("Provisions"), the Supreme People’s Court does on occasion publish what it sees as "indicative" cases, where the decisions reached in the cases are deemed to be used as guidelines in relevant judicial review by the lower courts.[1]Continue Reading Supreme People’s Court provides a Guideline Case for Court Enforcement of Settlement Agreements
Minimizing the Risks that Legal Representatives Face
By Liu Xiang Wen Xia Dongxia and Li Xinyu King & Wood’s Dispute Resolution Group
Under PRC laws, the legal representative of a company is the person who acts in the name of the company and represents the company in the exercise of its rights and obligations. The legal representative is a fundamental part of a company’s corporate governance structure. To an extent, the person who is appointed to the position of the legal representative is authorized to conduct many of the company’s affairs. However, the legal representative must fulfill certain duties while exercising his/her rights. This article will briefly introduce the potential legal risks that a legal representative may face under civil, criminal and administrative laws and how such risks are often prevented or minimized based on China’s legal practices.
I. The legal representative of a company should also be its board chairman or its general manager
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CSRC’s Guidance on Merger Control of Listed Chinese Companies
By Susan Ning, Liu Jia and Hazel Yin
China Securities Regulation Commission ("CSRC") is the authority in charge of supervising Chinese listed companies. In August 2010 and November 2011, CSRC published on its website two FAQs addressing application of the merger control regime under the Anti-Monopoly Law ("AML") to listed companies.
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