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富奥股份签约收购德国公司ABC Umformtechnik
2020年8月18日,富奥汽车零部件股份有限公司(简称“富奥股份”,股票代码:000030)与德国ABC集团成功签署了《股份购买协议》,收购德国紧固件生产企业ABC Umformtechnik全部股份。
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KWM releases Special Issue for the New Drug Administration Law(Chinese)
On August 26, 2019, the newly revised Drug Administration Law (“New Law”) was officially issued. …
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List of Outbound Investments by Chinese Companies Scrutinized for National Security Concerns
By Susan Ning, Yin Ranran, Huang Jing
There have been concerns about Chinese government’s foreign investment policy ever since the State Council announced the formal establishment of the national security review ("NSR") regime in China. At a press conference of the Fourth Session of the 11th National People’s Congress held on March 7, 2011, China’s Minister of Commerce Chen Deming reiterated that China’s "opening-up" policy will remain unchanged. According to Chen, whereas China is in the process of further opening up to the world, introducing the NSR regime ensures that national security concerns will be addressed in a transparent manner and it is in line with international practice.
The NSR regime is not particular to China. The United States first instituted the NSR process in the 1980s. Other jurisdictions, such as Australia, Germany, Canada, also have similar processes (see our article entitled More on China’s national security review regime – the American regime vs the Chinese regime). Through our research, we find that during the past few years, the following contemplated outbound investments by Chinese companies underwent the NSR process:Continue Reading List of Outbound Investments by Chinese Companies Scrutinized for National Security Concerns
The annual “two sessions” and antitrust law noises
By Susan Ning, Liu Jia and Angie Ng
In March every year, lawmakers and political advisers from the National People’s Congress (NPC) (Chinas equivalent of Parliament) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC) (China’s top advisory body) conduct sessions in Beijing to take stock of social, legal and economic issues in China for the preceding year; and discuss objectives (in relation to the same issues) for the year going forward1. These sessions are often referred to as the "two sessions".
Two statements which have arisen during these two sessions; are of particular interest (from an antitrust law perspective):
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