Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards

作者:张守志 徐晓丹 李响  金杜律师事务所争议解决


一、   外国法院的判决可能无法在中国得到承认和执行

在合同约定外国法院管辖的情况下,如果中国公司只在中国(不包括港澳台地区)境内有可执行的财产,那么,一旦将来双方产生争议并由外国法院做出判决,则外方在该判决项下的权利只有在该判决被中国法院承认及执行后才能行使。然而,在中国申请承认和执行外国法院判决的难度非常大,需要满足相关法律和条约设定的种种条件。只要有一项条件不具备,相关外国法院的判决就无法得到中国法院的承认和执行,使得原本有利于外方的胜诉判决成为一纸空文。Continue Reading 约定域外法院管辖的困境及出路

By Zhang Shouzhi, Xu Xiaodan and Li Xiang  King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Group

Commercial contracts (especially international financing agreements) between Chinese parties and foreign parties often designate a foreign court outside of China as the forum in which to resolve potential disputes. Such a forum selection clause, often insisted upon by the financial institution due to its stronger bargaining position, has become a generally accepted practice in international financing transactions.

However, when entering into an international commercial contract with a Chinese party, selecting a foreign jurisdiction to resolve disputes may place the foreign party at a disadvantage with respect to future commercial activities.Continue Reading Forum Shopping in Dispute Resolution: Hurdles and Solutions