Status of foreign direct investment control law in Spain
Spain is one of the most relevant global players in foreign investment, thanks mainly to its liberalized foreign investment regime. In this regard, Spain is ranked 15th globally and 6th in the EU in the FDI Index and has been considered as the 11th economy more open to foreign investments by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Continue Reading Winds of change in foreign direct investment control in Europe and the Middle East (5) -Spain

In order to put the European restrictions into perspective, the last section is dedicated to FDI in UAE showing that, despite recent tightening of controls, the European Union still has a relatively open investment environment compared to some other jurisdictions that also benefit from FDI.
Continue Reading Winds of change in foreign direct investment control in Europe and the Middle East (9) -UAE

Status of foreign direct investment control law in France
France ranks 7th globally and 3rd in Europe in the FDI Index. Since 2005, France has organised its legal framework for controlling FDI in its Monetary and Financial Code (“Code Monétaire et Financier”). The Code has been amended and the rules have been strengthened over the years.
Continue Reading Winds of change in foreign direct investment control in Europe and the Middle East (7) – France

By Xu Ping, Yao Lijuan and Gao Wei    King & Wood Mallesons’ M&A Group

On November 4, 2014, the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC”) released the latest draft updating the current 2011 “Foreign Direct Investment Industries Guidance Catalogue (“2014 Draft”),” and called for public opinions on the draft until December 3, 2014.

The Foreign Direct Investment Industries Guidance Catalogue (“Catalogue”) is the central policy of the Chinese government that regulates the inflow of foreign investment in various Chinese industries. The Catalogue classifies foreign direct investments in the industrial sectors as “encouraged,” “restricted,” “permitted,” or “prohibited” and imposed restrictions on foreign investment forms and shareholdings on certain key industrial sectors. Since its inception in 1995, the Catalogue has been revised once every few years. The 2014 Draft, once takes into effect, will become the sixth revision and replaces the current 2011 Catalogue.
Continue Reading “China Welcomes Foreign Investment”——With Draft Revision of Foreign Direct Investment Industries Guidance Catalogue, China Plans Sweeping Foreign Investment Reforms


继上海、北京、重庆出台外商投资股权投资企业试点文件后,天津的QFLP(合格境外有限合伙人)试点工作也已展开。2011年11月15日,天津市发展和改革委员会、天津市人民政府金融服务办公室、天津市商务委员会、天津市工商行政管理局联合发布《关于本市开展外商投资股权投资企业及其管理机构试点工作的暂行办法》("《办法》")及其实施细则。 《办法》对由外商投资的股权投资基金和股权投资基金管理企业的设立、资金募集和投资、风险控制、信息披露、备案管理等方面进行详细规范,同时鼓励该试点在天津滨海新区先行先试。Continue Reading 天津启动QFLP试点 率先给予外资PE国民待遇

By Xu Ping, Leading partner of King & Wood’s Corporate Group

On February 3, 2011, the General Office of the PRC State Council issued the Notice Regarding the Establishment of National Security Review Mechanism for Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors (“国务院办公厅关于建立外国投资者并购境内企业安全审查制度的通知”) (the "Notice"), which will take effect 30 days after its promulgation. The Notice represents another major step that the Chinese government has taken in recent years in the area of regulating mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of domestic companies by foreign investors in China.Continue Reading China Issues Rules on National Security Review for M&A Transactions

By Xu Ping, Partner, King & Wood’s FDI Department

In continued support of foreign direct investment into China, on April 13, 2010, China’s State Council released the Further Views on the Utilization of Foreign Capital (国务院关于进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见). These new guidelines for foreign investment in China encourage foreign funds to flow into high-end manufacturing, hi-tech and eco-friendly sectors and to the central and western areas of the nation. The guidelines restrict investment into environmentally unsound projects and in sectors suffering from overcapacity. Meanwhile, the new guidelines also promise more favorable policies for foreign-funded companies, including an array of new tax incentives.Continue Reading China Reaffirms Support for Foreign Investment

By Zhang Yi and Alan Du, King & Wood’s Corporate Group

The Oriental Morning Post reported that a Trial Plan for the Participation of Foreign Investment into RMB Equity Investment Funds (the “Trial Plan”) was approved by the Shanghai government on March 15, 2010. This development will be fully publicized in April and first implemented in the Pudong New Area. The Trial Plan will open a gateway for the conversion of foreign exchange into RMB, which has been a major factor hindering foreign general partners (GP) and limited partners (LP) from becoming involved in the RMB PE fund industry.Continue Reading PE Fund Trial Plan: New Gateway for Foreign Investors?

The Administrative Measures for Establishment of Partnership Enterprises in China by Foreign Enterprises or Individuals (the “Measures”) was issued by State Council on 2 December 2009. The Measures, effective from 1 March 2010, will allow foreign investors to directly act as partners of partnerships in China.

Continue Reading Measures for Foreign Invested Partnerships Issued: Has the Door Opened?

By Xu Ping & Mark Schaub   King & Wood’s Foreign Direct Investment Practice

China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) has recently issued a number of notices delegating approval competency to lower governmental levels. This delegation of approval competency to local authorities will greatly accelerate the approval process for foreign invested projects. Two prominent areas in this general policy of devolution are delegation of approval authority over (i) foreign invested holding companies and (ii) foreign invested venture capital enterprises (“FIVCEs”) as well as foreign invested venture capital management enterprises (“FIVCE Management Firm”).Continue Reading MOFCOM Devolves Approval Competency for Foreign Invested Holding Companies and Venture Capital Enterprises