作者:顾仁芳  金杜律师事务所争议解决组 香港办公室

本文分两部分刊登, 2012年6月5日金杜法律博客(Chinalawinsight)刊登的了本文的第一部分。文章第二部分将继续对《香港的法律制度及解决商业纠纷的民事诉讼程序》进行解读。


简易判决可作为以全面审讯解决纠纷的另一选择。简易判决是在被告人没有提出抗辩的情况下,法庭可以不经过庭审即向原告人提供实体终局性判决结果[i]。简易判决的程序是为了避免被告人拖延判决进程,并在被告显然缺乏抗辩理由的情况下,避免浪费时间及诉讼成本。Continue Reading 香港的法律制度及解决商业纠纷的民事诉讼程序(2)

作者:顾仁芳  金杜律师事务所争议解决组 香港办公室



香港作为亚洲最国际化的城市,是一个充满活力及东西方融合的大都会。香港给世界各地的企业家提供了一个公平竞争的平台,吸引了众多受过良好教育及技术精湛的工作人员;香港占据了无与伦比的地理位置——它是通往中国的门户;香港秉承法治理念,并以政府廉洁而被称道;香港推行低税率并投资兴建了世界一流的基础设施;香港保障信息自由流通及国际化的生活方式[i]Continue Reading 香港的法律制度及解决商业纠纷的民事诉讼程序(1)

By Renee Gu  King &  Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Group

This article continues to discuss The Legal System and Civil Procedure for Commercial Dispute Resolution in Hong Kong. The first part of this article was published on Chinalawinsight on May 2012.

VIIISummary Judgment

As an alternative to resolving a dispute by way of a full trial, it may be an option to apply for a summary judgment. The purpose of the summary judgment is to give judgment before trial to a plaintiff, where the defendant has no defence to the claim[i].
Continue Reading The Legal System and Civil Procedure for Commercial Dispute Resolution in Hong Kong (Part II of II)

By Renee Gu  King &  Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Gourp


Commercial disputes are inevitable in the commercial world. It is often crucial to find the most cost-effective and expeditious way to resolve the dispute.

Hong Kong is Asia’s most international city with a vibrant and cosmopolitan community where East meets West, the key attributes of which include a level playing field for entrepreneurs of all nationalities; an educated and skilled workforce; an unrivalled location as the gateway to China; the rule of law being upheld and respected by a clean government; low taxes funding world class infrastructure; a free flow of information; and international lifestyle[i].Continue Reading The Legal System and Civil Procedure for Commercial Dispute Resolution in Hong Kong (Part I of II)

By He Wei and Zeng Ying King & Wood’s Dispute Resolution Group

This article continues to discuss Extra-judicial Mediation System and Practice. The first part of this article was published on Chinalawinsight on October 2011.

II. A review of extra-judicial mediation

Compared with mediation during arbitration or litigation, extra-judicial mediation can offer a more amicable way for the solving of disputes and avoid many of the disadvantages of "judicial mediation".

In judicial mediation judges and arbitrators primarily rely on rigid laws and regulations to guide the mediation process whereas the regulations applicable to extra-judicial mediation are more flexible. Article 17 of the Several Provisions provides that "in the mediation of cases, relevant organizations may, without violating the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations, guide the parties to reach settlement agreements by referring to industrial practices, village regulations, community conventions, local good customs and other codes of conduct."Continue Reading Extra-judicial Mediation System and Practice (Part II of II)

作者:何薇、曾颖 金杜律师事务所争议解决

本文分两部分刊登, 2011年10月31日金杜法律博客(Chinalawinsight)刊登的了本文的第一部分。文章第二部分将继续对《非司法体系下的调解制度及实践》进行解读。



首先,在适用法律的问题上,仲裁和法院的调解中,法官和仲裁员作为法律专业人士,仍然多以刚性的法律法规为依据,引导当事人解决纠纷。而在非司法体系下的调解中,适用的规则就更加灵活。最高人民法院《若干意见》第17条规定:“有关组织调解案件时,在不违反法律、行政法规强制性规定的前提下,可以参考行业惯例、村规民约、社区公约和当地善良风俗等行为规范,引导当事人达成调解协议。”Continue Reading 非司法体系下的调解制度及实践(二)

By He Wei and Zeng Ying King & Wood’s Dispute Resolution Group

Mediation in China can be divided into three categories: mediation supervised by the people’s court, mediation supervised by an arbitral tribunal and mediation without the supervision of a court or arbitral tribunal. The first two categories of mediation share many similarities. Both of them are conducted by particular institutions in accordance with statutory proceedings, and the settlement agreements reached have the same binding force as judicial judgments. These two categories of mediation, because of their "quasi-judicial" nature, are usually collectively referred to as "judicial mediation". Usually such bodies are decision making—and a mediation must give only the parties control over decisions.

Besides judicial mediation there are many other forms of mediation, which also help resolve disputes and lift the heavy caseload of the courts and arbitration institutions. These forms of mediation can be collectively described as "extra-judicial mediation". Extra-judicial mediation, which provides parties with more alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, plays a very important role in today’s fast-growing economy.Continue Reading Extra-judicial Mediation System and Practice (Part I of II)

作者:何薇、曾颖 金杜律师事务所争议解决


非司法体系下的调解制度在我国由来已久,并且在实践中被广泛应用。它既包括在专门调解机构的主持下进行的调解,也包括没有调解机构参与的调解。处理的争议既可以是民事的,商事的,也可以是行政的。非司法体系下的调解包括以下几大特征:第一,自愿性。当事人将自己的争议交由自己选择的第三方处理,而且纠纷的范围和内容均是当事人可以自行处分的。调解员必须始终尊重当事人的意志,不得有任何的勉强和强迫。第二, 独立性。非司法体系下的调解独立存在,不附属于任何其他程序。第三,调解的结果没有强制执行力。第四,调解的结果不影响当事人以其他公力救济的方式寻求争端解决。Continue Reading 非司法体系下的调解制度及实践(一)

By King & Wood’s Trademark Practice

Foreign companies often have concerns regarding whether the litigation process in an overseas venue will be efficiently handled by the relevant courts. In China, given the large increase in IP-related lawsuits in recent years, this is a reasonable concern. In 2009, P.R.C. courts had concluded 6,262 cases with a yearly increase of 31.89%. 1With such an upsurge in litigation, the P.R.C. courts have faced a very significant challenge.Continue Reading P.R.C. Courts Show Improved Efficiency in Handling Foreign-related IP Lawsuits