作者:刘海涛 金杜律师事务所争议解决部

刘海涛A公司为一家澳大利亚的上市公司。2016年8月12日,犯罪嫌疑人冒充该公司的总经理,以虚构的相似电子邮件地址给A 公司的财务人员发送邮件,声称公司正在进行一个秘密的并购项目,不得告知任何第三人且只能通过电子邮件的方式进行联系,并指令财务向特定账户汇款80多万美金(汇至上海浦东发展银行的某离岸账户)。在财务人员完成该指令后,A公司才发现所谓的总经理邮件地址并不属于公司邮件地址,进而发现被他人网络诈骗。

Continue Reading 打击跨国网络诈骗 自贸区警察雷霆出击

By Stanley Zhou  Gu Jieyu  King & Wood Mallesons’ Finance & Capital Market Group

AZhou_Xin new cross border financing management regime implemented in China’s four free trade zones

On 22 January 2016, China’s central bank promulgated a notice entitled the PBOC Circular Regarding the Expansion of the Pilot Program of Prudent Macro Management of Cross-border

By Xueli Cheng Roy Zhang and Hai Zhuo, King & Wood Mallesons’ Banking Group

cheng_xuelizhang_royOn July 10, 2015, the People’s Bank of China Guangzhou Branch issued the Interim Administrative Measures for Pilot Cross-border RMB Loan Business in Guangdong Nansha and Hengqin New Zones (the “Measures”), which provide the relevant enterprises in Guangdong Province with a new cross-border financing channel and create an additional reflux channel for overseas RMB capital. The promulgation of the Measures indicates that the preferential policy of cross-border RMB loan has been put into place in all three sub-zones of the Guangdong FTZ, i.e., Qianhai, Nansha, and Hengqin.

KWM Shenzhen Office is assisting a Hong Kong bank in handling one of the first batches of cross-border RMB loans after the promulgation of the Measures. Our brief comments on the main contents of the Measures are as follows:
Continue Reading The Launch of the Cross-border RMB Loan Policy in Nansha and Hengqin

作者:程雪立 张宁 卓海 金杜律师事务所银行


Continue Reading 南沙、横琴跨境人民币贷款政策落地


By King & Wood Mallesons


Understanding important changes to the rules on foreign investment in China telecommunications following the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ).


Read full article, please click here.

By Xuhua Huang  and Ouou Bao King&Wood Mallesons

untitledSince 1995, the PRC government has published catalogues for the guidance of foreign investment industries (Catalogues) once every three to four years. Each Catalogue has reflected the direction of China’s economic development and foreign investment industries.

On 10 March 2015, the National Development and Reform

作者:汪蕊 肖宇 金杜律师事务所公司并购


Continue Reading 经营类电子商务交易平台外资股权比例可达100%

By Xu Ping, Yao Lijuan and Gao Wei    King & Wood Mallesons’ M&A Group

On November 4, 2014, the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC”) released the latest draft updating the current 2011 “Foreign Direct Investment Industries Guidance Catalogue (“2014 Draft”),” and called for public opinions on the draft until December 3, 2014.

The Foreign Direct Investment Industries Guidance Catalogue (“Catalogue”) is the central policy of the Chinese government that regulates the inflow of foreign investment in various Chinese industries. The Catalogue classifies foreign direct investments in the industrial sectors as “encouraged,” “restricted,” “permitted,” or “prohibited” and imposed restrictions on foreign investment forms and shareholdings on certain key industrial sectors. Since its inception in 1995, the Catalogue has been revised once every few years. The 2014 Draft, once takes into effect, will become the sixth revision and replaces the current 2011 Catalogue.
Continue Reading “China Welcomes Foreign Investment”——With Draft Revision of Foreign Direct Investment Industries Guidance Catalogue, China Plans Sweeping Foreign Investment Reforms

By King & Wood Mallesons’ International Dispute Resolution Group

On August 28, 2014, the China Air Transport Association (“CATA”), the International Air Transport Association (“IATA”), and the Shanghai International Arbitration Center (“SHIAC”) signed a cooperation agreement on international aviation arbitration in Shanghai. They announced that the Shanghai International Aviation Court of Arbitration (“SHIACA”) and the Shanghai International Aviation Arbitration Experts Committee (“SHIAAEC”) were officially established.

SHIACA is affiliated with SHIAC. After the Court of Arbitration of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone was initiated, SHIACA was regarded as another marvelous innovation by SHIAC and the world’s first arbitration agency specialized in aviation disputes. It means that international aviation arbitration system is officially established in Shanghai, which provides great convenience and advantages to domestic and foreign enterprises in the resolution of global disputes through SHIAC.
Continue Reading First International Aviation Court of Arbitration Initiated in Shanghai Free Trade Zone