Editor’s Note: As enterprises are increasingly engaged in international trade and investment, international arbitration is recognized as the preferred option in the face of cross-border disputes. However, international arbitration, which differs from domestic arbitration with complex procedures, often put parties unfamiliar with its rules at an inherent disadvantage. King & Wood Mallesons’ international arbitration teams are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, London, Madrid, Brussels, Dubai, Tokyo, New York and Silicon Valley. KWM International Arbitration Fundamentals is co-hosted by King & Wood Mallesons’ China and Australia international arbitration teams. The purpose of the program is to share knowledge and experience on international arbitration, including international commercial arbitration and investment arbitration, from the perspective of experienced lawyers. Hopefully it will benefit parties engaged in international arbitration. Please comment with any suggestions or ideas.
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international arbitration
IA Fundamentals | 4. International Arbitration Agreement (I)
As enterprises are increasingly engaged in international trade and investment, international arbitration is recognized as the preferred option in the face of cross-border disputes. However, international arbitration, which differs from domestic arbitration with complex procedures, often put parties unfamiliar with its rules in an inherent disadvantage. King & Wood Mallesons’ international arbitration teams are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, London, Madrid, Brussels, Dubai, Tokyo, New York and Silicon Valley. KWM International Arbitration Fundamentals is co-hosted by King & Wood Mallesons’ China and Australia international arbitration teams. The purpose of the program is to share knowledge and experience on international arbitration, including international commercial arbitration and investment arbitration, from the perspective of experienced lawyers. Hopefully it will benefit parties engaged in international arbitration. Please comment with any suggestions or ideas.
Continue Reading IA Fundamentals | 4. International Arbitration Agreement (I)
Fundamentals|An Overview on International Arbitration
As enterprises are increasingly engaged in international trade and investment, international arbitration is recognized as the preferred option in the face of cross-border disputes. However, international arbitration, which differs from domestic arbitration with complex procedures, often put parties unfamiliar with its rules in an inherent disadvantage. King & Wood Mallesons’ international arbitration teams are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, London, Madrid, Brussels, Dubai, Tokyo, Sydney, New York and Silicon Valley. KWM International Arbitration Fundamentals is co-hosted by King & Wood Mallesons’ China and Australia international arbitration teams. The purpose of the program is to share knowledge and experience on international arbitration, including international commercial arbitration and investment arbitration, from the perspective of expert lawyers. Hopefully it will benefit parties engaged in international arbitration. Please comment with any suggestions or ideas.
Continue Reading Fundamentals|An Overview on International Arbitration
King & Wood Mallesons recruits highly regarded international arbitration and dispute resolution leader Jessica Fei
6 June 2019, King & Wood Mallesons is delighted to announce the continued growth of the partnership and Dispute Resolution practice with the addition of Jessica Fei. Highly regarded by clients and market peers, Jessica is a senior legal professional in the international arbitration and dispute resolution practice areas. Qualified in both New York and the PRC, Jessica has over 20 years of experience working at international arbitration institutions and international law firms, advising PRC State-Owned Enterprises, multinationals and major regional corporates in the PRC, Asia, Europe and the U.S. on large-scale international arbitration, litigation and dispute avoidance matters.
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Costs in international arbitration
Welcome to the ninth edition of Crossing Borders, a periodic review of developments in international arbitration across the world.
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The rise of Chinese investors as claimants: What are the likely impacts on international arbitration?
In recent years, China has experienced unprecedented economic, military and diplomatic growth. China is now regarded as the number one economic superpower by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the basis of gross domestic product (GDP), surpassing the United States.
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聚焦中国“一带一路”倡议 Exploring China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Welcome to the seventh edition of Crossing Borders, a periodic review of developments in international arbitration across the world.
In this edition, we focus on China’s Belt and Road initiative and its impact on international arbitration. We explore some of the key risks and mitigation strategies investors can use when making their investments along the Belt and Road, the importance of tailoring investment protections through careful structuring of investments, drafting of dispute resolution clauses and use of commercial and investment treaty arbitration protections. We also look at an area of significant practical importance to the initiative: the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in China.
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ISDS in ChAFTA – Where’s the beef?
By James McKenzie and Daisy Mallett, King & Wood Mallesons
A guide to ISDS in the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement: A hollow promise or an answer to ISDS’ critics?
The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) is here. The landmark agreement was signed between the governments of Australia and China on 17 June 2015,…
Chinese “giants” and overseas arbitration
By Gao Feng Paul Starr King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Group
The involvement of Chinese “giants” in arbitration outside of China has come at a price. Parties can lack experience at how best to handle international disputes. They rush precipitously into relationships with “local” on-the-ground law firms who themselves do not necessarily have sufficient international arbitration expertise, and more significantly lack the cultural knowledge and language skills to act as sufficient liaison. In this article, we share what we believe are the seven most serious mistakes made by PRC entities when trying to arbitrate abroad. We respectfully venture to add that these mistakes are by no means confined to Chinese clients – all parties embarking on dispute resolution in a country unfamiliar to them would do well to reflect on what follows.
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Recast Brussels Regulation: a Brighter Future for Arbitration in the EU
By Juliette Huard-Bourgois and Swati Tripathi, King & Wood Mallesons’ London Office
The conduct of international arbitration proceedings, from enforcement of arbitration agreements to enforcement of arbitral awards, sometimes involves actions before the courts. In the European Union (EU), international arbitration has to co-exist, not only with national procedural law in each jurisdiction, but also with EU procedural law, which harmonises jurisdiction and enforcement rules amongst the EU states.
EU procedural harmonisation is orchestrated through the application by each EU State of Council Regulation (EC) 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (hereafter the “Brussels Regulation”). The objective of the Brussels Regulation is the creation of an EU area of justice, where parallel court proceedings are prevented and judicial decisions can circulate easily.
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