Continue Reading 境外上市丨红筹结构解密:红筹业务问答手册(三)——改道港股,需要做出的第一个改变
A Chance to Solve the “VIE Dilemma”!
On July 16, 2020, China’s State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”) cleared the merger filing in relation to the Establishment of a Joint Venture between Shanghai Mingcha Zhegang Management Consulting Co., Ltd. and Huansheng Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (“SMZ Case”). …
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Continue Reading 民办教育VIE特别攻略(二)
作者:叶永青 余悦 金杜律师事务所商务合规部
Continue Reading VIE架构下股权转让不能随便“税”
Continue Reading 工信部196号文对VIE结构互联网企业红筹回归的影响
MOFCOM Approved Wal-Mart’s Acquisition of Controlling Stake in Yihaodian but Said NO to VIE Structure
By Susan Ning,Hazel YIN,and Han WU

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Updated National Security Review Rules: A Justifiable Cause of Anxiety?
By Susan Ning, Huang Jing and Yin Ranran
On 25 August 2011, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) released the MOFCOM Rules for Implementation of Relevant Issues regarding National Security Review Mechanism for Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors (NSR Rules). From 1 September 2011, the Rules replaces the MOFCOM Interim Rules for Implementation of Relevant Issues regarding National Security Review Mechanism for Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors (NSR Interim Rules) issued on 4 March 2011 (see our article entitled "MOFCOM issues national security review interim rules").
Compared with the Interim Rules, the key change we see in the NSR Rules is that MOFCOM clearly states that the authority will assess the applicability of the national security review (NSR) process from the substance and actual impact of a transaction; and that foreign investors shall not evade the NSR regime via alternative transaction structures, including but not limited to warehousing arrangements, trusts, multi-tier investments, leases, loans, contractual control, or offshore transactions, etc.Continue Reading Updated National Security Review Rules: A Justifiable Cause of Anxiety?