作者:姚爱峰 刘成 金杜律师事务所国际贸易



欧盟在1998年修改《反倾销条例》之后,将中国视为“市场转型国家”,即在总体上不承认中国是“市场经济国家”的同时,对于特定条件的公司给予“市场经济地位”。一般而言,获得“市场经济地位”的公司在反倾销调查当中按照应诉公司提供的信息来计算倾销幅度,通常结果会大大低于没有获得“市场经济地位”的公司。自此以后,中国公司积极地在反倾销调查中申请市场经济地位。截至2010年12月31日,欧盟针对中国一共发起了99起反倾销调查。根据我们的统计,一共有94家公司分别在32起反倾销调查当中获得了“市场经济地位”。Continue Reading 再谈中国企业在欧盟反倾销调查中的”非市场经济地位”

作者:陈慧 戴晨 金杜律师事务所证券


据悉,新基金法(修订草案)共十五章、一百零三条,在章节设计上增加基金组织形式、非公开募集基金的特别规定、公开募集基金的服务机构、基金业协会新的章节,并合并原来的基金份额的交易和申购与赎回两章。Continue Reading 《证券投资基金法修订草案》松绑与规范并行

作者:董铁英 钟珊 金杜律师事务所公司

一、 风险管理及内部控制制度建立的背景


我在英国石油2006~2008年从事集团内控审计师的工作过程中了解到,美、英、法、德、日等国家从20世纪70年代起,就已经逐步系统地认识到各种不同类型的企业和组织机构所面临的风险的多样性、复杂性以及由此会对企业和组织机构本身乃至国家经济的负面影响,随即组建了相应的机构着手研究企业和各类组织机构的风险管理。逐步出台了1992年美国反虚假财务报告委员会下属发起人委员会COSO发布的《企业内部控制——整合框架》(“COSO内控框架”)和2004年,COSO发布的《企业风险管理—— 整合框架》(“COSO风险管理框架”),成为各国立法机构制定政策法规及各类企业和组织机构制定风险防控目标以及采取相应措施的重要指引。Continue Reading 浅议企业法律风险管理及内部控制

作者:王开定 金杜律师事务所公司


在美国,集体诉讼比民事诉讼的任何其它领域更受到法院、立法机构、学术界和实务界的关注。集体诉讼涉及生活中受到广泛关注的各种问题,这些问题涉及石棉诉讼、飞机失事、证券欺诈、反垄断、消费者权益保护、环境保护、种族歧视、性别歧视、就业歧视、输血、烟草、公民权利保护、员工福利、产品责任等方面。同时,集体诉讼比民事诉讼的任何其他领域更有争议。赞成者主张,集体诉讼是美国“二十世纪程序法最重要的发展之一”。法院应更多地使用集体诉讼,以达到改良社会目的,同时为那些在经济上无法起诉的受害者提供救济。反对者认为,除了使公司破产、律师发财、法院积压案件外,集体诉讼一无是处。Continue Reading 美国集体诉讼规则中平衡当事人利益的机制

By King & Wood’s Trademark Group

One reader puts forward some questions regarding tort liability of the on-line BBS owners:

I am interested in the court’s decision in Wang Hai Yang case but do not read Chinese. I note that the case has been appealed and want to know the court’s decision particularly on the tort liability law and the right to reputation and privacy. Since the Tort Liability Law came into effect, I want to know if there had been any changes to the court’s interpretation to right to privacy and right to reputation after Wang Fei case.

For your questions, please see below our reply:Continue Reading Comments to ‘Tort Law Provides Supplementary Protection to IP Rights’

By Guan Feng King & Wood’s Finance Group

This article continues to discuss Insurance Benefits for Banks as Mortgagees. The first part of this article was published on Chinalawinsight on January 2012.

III. Assignment of Insurance Benefits

In practice, in order to insure the debt, the lender bank often signs an insurance assignment agreement with the borrower, in which the borrower will assign all insurance benefits(1) under the related property insurance policy(2) to the lender bank. The assignment of rights becomes effective at the moment when the assignment contract is signed, or when the borrower defaults on the loan. Meanwhile, the endorsement slip, in which the insured designates the bank as the "first beneficiary" under the insurance policy, confirms the rights of the bank. To evaluate the feasibility of the insurance assignment contract, the fundamental approach from an insurance law perspective is to assess the nature of the insurance benefits assigned.Continue Reading Insurance Benefits for Banks as Mortgagees (Part II of II)

作者:关峰 金杜律师事务所融资

本文分两部分刊登, 2012年1月16日金杜法律博客(Chinalawinsight)刊登的了本文的第一部分。文章第二部分将继续对《文件名》进行解读。

三、保险收益(insurance proceeds)的转让

从目前的行业惯例来看,为了保证借款人偿还贷款,银行往往会与借款人签订保险转让合同,约定借款人向银行转让相关财产保险单(1)项下的所有保险收益(2)。权利转让可能发生在转让合同签署之时,也有可能发生在借款人违约之时。与此同时,保险公司出具批单,以将银行列为保险单项下第一收益人(“first beneficial”)的方式,确认银行的权利。如果要判断这种转让保险收益行为的可行性,就必须从基础理论出发,了解保险收益转让的实质。Continue Reading 抵押贷款项下银行获得贷款抵押物保险收益法律问题研究(2)

By You Yang and Lin Kaiyi King & Wood’s Real Estate Group

This article continues to discuss Risk Management for China’s Real Estate Pooled Investment Funds. The first part of this article was published on Chinalawinsight on December 2011.

B. Inherent Risks of Real Estate Trust Products

Inherent risks are closely related to the characteristics of real estate trust products and thus ingrained in such products as follows:

a. Real estate pooled funds generate returns through specific assets

Real estate pooled funds generate and distribute returns by structuring the priority of beneficial interests: according to the financing agreement between trust companies and real estate developers, trust companies raise funds from the public for specific acquisition projects and guarantee investors’ beneficial interests as a priority payment. The parent companies or actual controllers (usually real estate developers) of the specific acquisition project transfer shares to the trust companies to gain secondary beneficial interests. Therefore, real estate developer’s interests are bound to the priority interests of investors and trust companies distribute returns to beneficiaries in a particular order.Continue Reading Risk Management for China’s Real Estate Pooled Investment Funds (Part II of II)

作者:尤杨 蔺楷毅 金杜律师事物所争议解决

本文分两部分刊登, 2011年12月19日金杜法律博客(Chinalawinsight)刊登的了本文的第一部分。文章第二部分将继续对《浅论房地产集合资金信托产品的风险及控制》进行解读。



(1) 以特定资产收益权为投资对象的信托计划

这类信托常与结构化信托相结合,典型的结构化特定资产收益权信托的模型是:信托公司与交易对手达成协议后,信托公司向公众募集资金并赋予其优先级受益权,并以募集来的资金收购项目公司的特定房地产项目的收益权。同时,项目公司的母公司或实际控制人将项目公司的股权转让与信托公司,并获得次级受益权,借此将房地产开发商的利益与优先级受益权人的利益进行绑定。在信托计划到期后,信托公司首先向优先级受益人分配信托利益,之后再向次级受益人分配剩余信托利益。Continue Reading 信托实务专题之(三):浅论房地产集合资金信托产品的风险及控制(2)

By King & Wood’s Trademark Group

A "geographic indication" is a sign used on a product that indicates a specific geographical origin and that the product possesses qualities or a reputation or other features that are associated with that place of origin. That is, the sign represents the geographical origin of the goods in a certain territory or area or region within the territory.  The specific quality, reputation or other features of the goods are primarily related to the place of origin.  Even if goods fall within the same category, they share a different quality and reputation due to the natural or cultural factors of different geographical origins.

The geographic indication is considered one of the most important symbols that distinguishes between goods of different origins.  The protection of geographic indications can prompt economic development in a specific area or a country, and can also protect the legal interest of the manufacturer and consumers of the goods marked with the geographic indications.  As such, the protection of geographic indications needs to be consolidated.Continue Reading Protecting Foreign Geographic Indications in China